Analysis of adverse reactions/events of benzbromarone: 18 case reports
目的:探讨苯溴马隆药物不良反应/事件的发生特点。方法:计算机检索CNKI、万方、PubMed等数据库,对有关苯溴马隆不良反应/事件个案文献报道进行整理和分析。结果:收集文献18篇,获取病例20例,剔除2例用药差错事件,共纳入综述分析18例。苯溴马隆不良反应男性多于女性,不良反应发生在用药后1 d~7月之间,主要涉及肝胆系统、运动系统、皮肤及其附件系统、循环系统、泌尿系统、神经系统以及呼吸系统等,其中以肝胆系统表现最为严重,有3例致死性肝损伤的报道,而药品说明书中却未提及致死性肝损害的相关信息。结论:苯溴马隆应遵说明书用药,定期监测不良反应,注意患者用药教育与随访,避免严重不良反应的发生。
OBJECTIVE To explore the rules and characteristics of adverse drug reactions/events induced by benzbromarone. METHODS Adverse reactions/events of benzbromarone were collected and analyzed by retrieving case reports in CNKI, Wanfang, PubMed, etc. RESULTS Eighteen articles and 20 cases were collected. Two cases of medication error were removed and 18 cases were included in review analysis. Men had more adverse events than women. Adverse reactions occurred from 1 day to 7 moths after medication. ADR/ADE mainly involved in hepatobiliary system, motor system, skin and appendages, circulatory system, urinary system, respiratory system and nervous system. Hepatobiliary system had the most adverse events, 3 cases of fatal liver damage occurred but not mentioned in drug labels. CONCLUSION Benzbromarone is widely used in clinical practice. Serious adverse reactions can be avoided following drug labels and regular monitoring adverse reactions. Pharmacists must pay attentions to drug education and regular follow-up to long-term users to avoid serious adverse reactions.
苯溴马隆 / 高尿酸血症 / 不良反应/事件 {{custom_keyword}} /
benzbromarone / hyperuricemia / adverse reaction/event / case reports {{custom_keyword}} /
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